Here is the list of top Chatting Applications with their total active users. 1. Facebook Total Users-2.32 Bn (Source:Statista) 2. Snapchat Total Users- 188 Mn 3. Instagram Total Users- 1Bn 4. WhatsApp Total Users- >1.5Bn 5. VKontakte Total Users- 100Mn 6. LinkedIn Total Users- 250Mn 7. QZone Total Users- 548 Mn 8. WeChat Total Users- 889 Mn 9. Line Total Users- 217 Mn 10. Telegram Total Users- 200 Mn 11. Viber Total Users- >1Bn 12. Kik Total Users- 8 Mn 13. Blackberry Messenger Total Users- 100Mn 14. Skype Total Users- 300Mn Any App missing? Please do write in Comment and we will update.
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